A fun and challenging evening keeping the Guides engaged and immersed in learning new skills.

A great opportunity for the leaders to sit back (or join in!) and watch their Girl Guides learn how to balance a feather on their hand, finger, shoulder, & face. This workshop is always a favourite even at this age.

Next up, we can either teach them the easy way of juggling with 3 objects by using juggling scarves which float as they drop (this slows the pattern down making it a much simpler way of learning), followed by teaching them how to juggle 3 juggling balls.

Alternatively, we can then teach them either plate spinning and tricks or Flower sticks and tricks.

We finish the evening with some ‘free’ time where the Girl Guides can have a go at some of the other equipment we bring along. E.G. Bucket stilts, mini bikes, pedal racers, diabolos, flower sticks, hoola-hoops & even some unicycles. (Equipment used will be at the discretion of your instructor).

Circus Skills is a positive experience, helping them to grow in confidence and self-esteem.

Prices (excluding VAT):
  • £170 for a 1 - 2 hour session with one group
  • £260 for a 2 - 3 hour session with two groups, e.g. Rainbows followed by Brownies or Brownies followed by Guides
  • £350 for three groups, e.g. Rainbows, Brownies and finish with Girl Guides
  • £370 for a full day (usually 10am - 4pm)
  • Distances over 60 miles may incur an extra fuel charge.
What our Guides customers say about us:
Assistant guide leader
excellent evening again thanks Steve
Guide Guider
Steve and Jackie had total respect and interest from a large group of girls who thoroughly enjoyed the experience, as did the parent helpers! We could have continued for hours.The range of activities suited all abilities and the less able were able to shine and raise their self esteem.
An excellent evening-shall recommend to all Guiding colleagues.